Contemporary Dance Studies

Profile of the Program

Untitled design3SOZO visions in motion offers as a vocational college for contemporary dance studies, a three year (full time) professional course. The course has state recognition and students have the possibility to apply for BAföG (German state grant).

SOZO visions in motion lays focus on teaching a solid contemporary technique with the aim to connect theory, practice and cognitive knowledge in a holistic way. Looking into the future of our field of work, entrepreneurship und social aspects of dance are also taken into consideration and passed on. The program receives international resonance and offers students excellent co-operation partners (State Theatre of Kassel, University of Arts in Kassel). The students are accompanied by a team of international teachers who reflect the trends of an evolving, international dance scene.

The individual encouragement of creative and expressive dancer personalities is a central goal at SOZO visions in motion and the course offers the impulses needed to coach this individuality. Through mentorship, the students are counseled to find their own potential and abilities and challenged to work independently on these. Through intensive group processes in a respectful atmosphere, each student can follow their intuition and instincts in a responsible manner. Through projects, and movement research, an interdisciplinary way of working is sort after. The students learn from day one to integrate themselves and invest in creative work processes as co-creators.Arbeiten geschult. Die Studierenden lernen somit früh künstlerische Arbeitsprozesse kreativ mit zu gestalten.



SOZO visions in motion
Deborah Smith-Wicke
Grüner Weg 15–17
D-34117 Kassel

Tel.: +49 (0)561 9372858


SOZO visions in motion
Deborah Smith-Wicke
Julienstrasse 8
D-34121 Kassel

Tel.: +49 (0)561 9372858


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