Premiere: Raum 4, A.R.M. Kassel am 13.01.2012
A SOZO visions in motion production with Astrid Lange (free lance artist, Kassel), Deborah Smith-Wicke (free lance dancer, SOZO Visions in motion, Kassel), Evangelos Poulinas (free lance dancer, state theatres of Kassel, Lausanne), Michael Langeneckert (dancer, trainer in the state theatre of Kassel), Lena Lang (artist, university of art, Kassel).

Focusing and centralising, concentrating upon one activity, a rarity in here and now. In the age of multitasking and globalisation, everyday life has become exceedingly complicated. Complexity, quickness and simultaneousness are central catchwords. In today‘s extremely movable and turbulent events, how can I focus, concentrate, or truly intensely contemplate over something?
Spatially, installative, by moving bodies in the space, concentration, chaos, order, mess and focus are put to the test.
The borders between artist/dancer/performer and the audience are lifted. The performance becomes a near body experience. A three-dimensional spectacle develops in which spectators and performers are in the same space.
„Astrid Lange and Lena Lang who created this simple but brilliant installation keep it continuously in flow, piling up the elements upon one another, they are thrown to the ground, they narrow or widen the space in which three dancers move. What one calls at the theatre‚ “open conversion’, the rebuilding of the scenery before the eyes of the spectators: Here it is driven to the limits and every single one of 60 spectators must ask himself over and over again how he should or wants to position himself. At the end, to be seen from the bar, in the darkened space, in the rhythm of the music are alternating lights from the insides of the tower of lying, hollow pillars. Only those captured by curiosity, walk around the built up cube to discover how the dancing Poulinas generates this effect with flashlights. And both views are breathtakingly beautiful. (HNA 16.01.12)